Let your inner symphony be heard

Silent symphony is a music project with Charlotta Nilsen as the composer and lead singer. Together with Karl Hjelm she creates music with a meditative and melancolic sound. The frailty of life and the mystery of death are her inspiration.

One day she found herself under the dark winter sky with snowflakes dancing around as if they were a part of a symphony that she couldn't hear. A silent symphony. As the dancing snowflakes, we are all part of a symphony, created by our thoughts, ideas, darkness, light, and LOVE. An inner rhythm of all that you are and could be if you start to listen to it.

The symphony that you have inside of you is perhaps silent to others for now, but there is a symphony inside of you that is just waiting to come out and to be heard. Let it! Be everything that you are and don't be afraid to show your true colours. Then you will truly INSPIRE others.